Privacy Policy

We have the utmost respect for the confidential (personal) information of all persons visiting, as well as those who use the Services provided by Yevhen Molodkin; in this regard, strivePurposes of using personal data


Your personal data is used for the purpose of providing Services of, in accordance with and in compliance with the laws of Ukraine and other norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and applicable norms of international law.s to protect the confidentiality of personal data, thereby creating and providing the most comfortable conditions for the use of the Services of to any and every user.


Collection and Use of Personal Data


When using the services of, the collection and processing of User data takes place, namely:
- Data provided by the User both when filling out registration forms and during the use of services:
 - Cookies;
 - IP address;
 - Parameters and settings of internet browsers. collects only the personal data (such as your first and last name, username and access password, email address, contact phone number, date of birth, gender, etc.) that is consciously and voluntarily provided by the subject of personal data for the purpose of using the desired services provided by All account logins are recorded when visiting the site. Other traffic data of the User are neither processed nor stored.


Please note: The Administration is limited to collecting the minimum amount of information that is necessary solely to fulfill the request of the subject of personal data. In any case, when optional information is requested, the subject of personal data will be informed at the time of collection of such information. We do not collect any information, the collection of which is required by law (pursuant to Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”). collects data on the statistics of the site visit. The data may contain information about the connection, traffic, browser of the User, as well as the date, time, duration of work in the Internet and being on the site.


Purposes of using personal data


Your personal data is used for the purpose of providing Services of, in accordance with and in compliance with the laws of Ukraine and other norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and applicable norms of international law.


Retention period of personal data


Personal data are stored for a period of time no longer than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of their processing. After the subject of personal data has ceased to be a User of by deleting his/her account on the website, his/her personal data are also automatically deleted.


Interaction of with Other Resources


When using the services of, the pages may contain codes from other internet resources and third parties, as a result of which such internet resources and third parties receive your data. Consequently, these internet resources may receive and process information about your visit to these pages, as well as other information that your browser transmits. Such internet resources may include:


- Systems for collecting visit statistics (e.g., Google Analytics counters);
- Banner display systems (e.g., AdRiver, Holder);
- Social network plugins (e.g., Facebook, Google+).


If you have an account on social networks (e.g., Facebook, Google+) and you log into through your social network account, the social network will link this information with your account (if you have an account).


Rules for Using Cookie Technology and Log Files / Freedom to Choose Cookies


Cookies are small text files in which the browser can write data received from the server. When you visit, the server can read the information contained in the cookies.

However, if you are uncomfortable using cookies, most browsers allow Users to refuse the use of cookies. In this case, the registration function will be unavailable to you, and some other functions of may work with disruptions. After completing your visit to, you can always delete cookies if you wish.


Log files – To properly manage the site, may identify User categories by such parameters as domains and browser types. These statistical data in aggregate form are transmitted to's web specialists. This is done to make the use of pleasant for Users and to make the site an effective informational resource.


Safety of minors


We take safety issues very seriously, especially in relation to persons under the age of majority, and therefore, for our part, we appeal to parents to explain to their children about Internet safety issues, their specific purposes and the need to use certain Services


Our Site is not intended for Users under the age of 18. It is our policy never to purposely collect or store information about anyone under the age of 18.


Personal Data Protection utilizes generally accepted standards of technological and operational safeguards to protect information and personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats arising outside of's control. Nevertheless, shall ensure that all appropriate confidentiality obligations and technical and organizational security measures are applied to prevent unauthorized or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage. We provide access to information and personal data only to authorized employees who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with local regulations.


Conditions of Access to Personal Data


The procedure for third-party access to personal data is determined by the conditions of consent provided by the subject of personal data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law. The subject of personal data has the right to obtain any information about themselves from any subject of relations connected with personal data, provided that the information is provided as required by law. 


Delay in access by the subject of personal data to their personal data is not allowed. Delay in access to personal data by third parties is allowed if the necessary data cannot be provided within thirty calendar days from the date of the request. In this case, the total period for resolving the issues raised in the request cannot exceed forty-five calendar days. Notification of the delay is communicated to the third party who submitted the request in writing, with an explanation of the procedure for appealing such a decision. 


The decision to delay or deny access to personal data can be appealed in court. If the request is made by the subject of personal data about themselves, the burden of proving the legality of the refusal to access lies with the owner of the personal data to whom the request was made.

According to Ukrainian law, personal data may be transferred to law enforcement, judicial authorities, and other institutions for the purpose of protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights, and legitimate interests of others, ensuring the defense of the country, and state security.





This Privacy Policy may be amended as appropriate. Any changes to the Privacy Policy are posted on In order to avoid any misunderstandings regarding awareness of changes made, we strongly recommend that you refer to this Privacy Policy regularly.

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